Comments We're Proud to Share
“Lynn and Gaby were recommended to me 3 years ago and I’ve dealt with them since. I find them friendly and courteous. Any concerns are looked after quickly and satisfactorily. I highly recommend them.”
We would like to thank Lynn and Gaby at Yucatan Vacation Home Rentals & Property Management In the Yucatan for making our first trip to Mexico one to remember. They were quite professional and were quick to act if and when we were faced with a problem we couldn't solve. They stopped at a grocery store on the way to the condo so we could purchase necessities for the week. We were kept aware of festivals that were happening in our area and informed us of the good place to eat and see. Airport transfer was arranged through them at a good price also.
Thanks again to both of you and we will see you next January.
Dave & Nancy
Hola Lynn Thinking of you as I sit here in Nova Scotia Canada enjoying the "dog days of summer". But alas the winter vacation rental time is here and my thoughts return to you and Mérida. There is not much more that I can say that hasn't already been said by your other clients. My 3 month stay was, without question, the best vacation I've experienced in the 3 years that I have been vacationing in the Yucatan! My stay on the beach in Uaymitun the first year and then in Progreso the second were great but, man, I have to say that my stay at 'Mérida on a Budget' in 2017 was awesome! The difference you ask? ..... YOU! As an experienced traveler I can honestly say that your professional and friendly attention to my EVERY need was greatly appreciated. On top of that, the accommodations were private, comfortable, spacious, and affordable. The location, only an 8 minute walk to the English Library and 15 minutes to the Central Plaza, were "just what the doctor ordered!". After a casual stroll down Paseo de Montejo, a Chi Latte at Starbucks, a single malt scotch by my private pool upon my return and a dip in said pool to cool off from the 30*C/ 85*F plus weather.....was too relaxing for words. AND THEN.... a peaceful siesta in my air conditioned Casa! My advice to your future clients is....START THE CAR! Lynn, we will meet again! Until then... Tu amigo Tom, aka Tomasso ** *******************************************
Well here we are with year 2 in the rear view
mirror and tunnel vision looking forward to year 3 in the beautiful fishing
village of Chicxulub, in the Yucatan. My husband and I have used the services
of Yucatan Vacation Home Rentals for the past 2 years and have found both Lynn
and Gabby to be nothing short of amazing to deal with. First year they found us
2 houses side by each to accommodate our large group. This past holiday our
rental was everything we had asked for after our first visit to this beautiful
area of Mexico. Our second year rental fitted us so well that we are looking
forward to returning for our 2017-18 holiday.
As with life, things happen when you rent a
house for longer periods. We had any problems encountered in the past 2 years
dealt with quickly and professionally, with Lynn personally dealing with an
internet issue on the Friday before Christmas.
We always recommend Yucatan Vacation Home
Rentals to anyone traveling in this part of Mexico. Year 3 here we come!!
The Parrott's
The Algonquin Highlands
![Palm Tree Wallpaper]()
Hola Lynn and Gabi,
Just wanted to let you know I made it home
safe and sound.
Thank you so much for making my adventure to
the Yucatan a memorable one.
From the moment we meet I felt at ease,
especially on our trip to the grocery store.
I realized very quickly that without your
gracious help I would have been lost.
Again your help finding the perfect
accommodation was awesome. I really enjoyed being close to the beach and town.
My neighbors were wonderful, so helpful and kind. They made me feel part of
their family.
I really appreciated through the whole
process how quickly you replied to my emails and and answered all my
You made everything go seamlessly. I look
forward to having the pleasure of working with you again in the near future.
Thanks again,
Nancy B (USA)
I just returned for a month in Progreso,
Mexico. I rented a 2 bedroom apt on the beach from Yucatan Vacation Home
Rentals [the company] owned by Lynn and Gabriela. From the day I booked last summer all my
questions were promptly answered and right up until arrival. Lynn was very informative about the area and
gave me a mini-tour before taking me to the apt. Any issues with the apt were dealt with as
soon as humanly possible. She was available thru-out my stay, and as I was
traveling alone I appreciated it. After I vacated the apt at the end of my
term, an incident occurred that I required assistance and, even though I was no
longer their client, both Lynn and Gabriela assisted in helping me and my
friends without hesitation. I can recommend this company without reservation
and look forward to dealing with them next year.
A Canadian traveler
Just a quick thank you note, ladies. Having
just returned home after a month in not one but 2 of your beach front rentals
we wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed ourselves and our side by side
rentals. From the quick response to our initial enquiry to the walk-through at
the end of our stay we found Lynn and Gaby to courteous and professional all
the way. The houses were just as described with beautiful vistas of the Gulf.
We had an oven malfunction and Lynn had a repair person there within a day,
that's faster than at home. With 3 generations of family and friends
coming and going over the month we couldn't have been happier with our decision
to use Yucatan Vacation Home Rentals. Thanks again Lynn and Gaby for making it
a vacation of a lifetime.
The Parrotts Family from Canada
***Winter 2014-2015 brought my family of 4 (me. hubby and 2 standard poodles), on this great adventure to run away from the dreary Montreal winter to a warmer kinder place in the tropics. While searching for a location we needed to have a few perfect elements, on the beach, we wanted a 2-3 bedroom
house (because we were expecting lots of visitors), we needed a place to cook and entertain said visitors. We also wanted a location that was close to some action but not so close that it would infringe upon our "we want to be home" time. It had to be safe (which as it turns out is pretty much anywhere in the
Yucatan) and of course allow dogs. After a thorough search and even a few backtracks (we booked with another realtor, then found god-awful reviews about them as they pull the bait and switch, so luckily we called them on it and they backed off), we found Lynn, (cue music and AWWWWWWWW).
Here are just some of the few things she has going for her:
honesty, professionalism, availability, a knack for understanding her clients' needs, her friendliness, she is willing to go way out of her way to make sure you get what you need, even after you have already moved in and she has your money. Her overall kindness and love for the region, and best of all her sense of fairness, she negotiates between the owners and the renters
in the best and fairest, no bull shit way I respect. ( I for the record am also a Realtor).. For this reason and many more, I HIGHLY recommend her services, both to people looking to rent and those with rentals looking for tenants. For the record, we stayed from Dec 08 to April 26th, and we are coming back next year for the same period and have enlisted Lynn to find two more
houses, for family and friends coming next year.***
A young couple from Montreal
***Lynn & Gaby from Yucatan Vacation Home Rentals & Property Management were just awesome when we rented our Mexican beach home in Chicxulub. They were spot on and really helpful every time we had a question (and there were many), or needed something. They went above and beyond with their services, friendliness and level of caring. I would recommend them for any of your rental needs. Couple from Indiana, U.S.A.***
***Russ & Kitty in Goulais
Bay, ON:
...and YES, publish our phone
if anyone
needs to "hear it from the 'Voice of Canada'.(Ahem)...
IT'S ALL ABOUT Vacation Rentals
....and SERVICE!
Lynn Sitler,(no relation to
Darryl ,the famous NHL Hockey star) is
truly a unique lady who
settled in the Chixculub/Progreso/Merida
area of the Yucatan, just as
we were entering the new Millenium.
She is a person steeped in
Lynn knows what she's doing, and
does it with 3 E's.
ENDEARING, Engaging, Effective agent with whom you'll want to have searching
for the right vacation rental, in the right area on or off the beach.
Ok, Ok...that's 5 E's. Kitty
and I could add T's as well for
Trustworthy and Terrific. Her friend and business partner, Gabriela, is
an ideal match. Gaby is the true Yucatacen, and mirrors
described above
for Lynn.
You'll think you are a
customer, but soon realize it is more of a "friendship" that will
develop. Lynn and Gaby just have those
certain qualities that show they care about doing right by all the owners who they
represent, as well as vacationers
seeking a casa, a condo, a beachside piece of paradise,
or just a peaceful, relaxing and affordable hideaway, in the heart of Maya
***We had the pleasure of renting a lovely beach house from Yucatan Vacation Rentals from January to mid May this year.
The home we rented was as promised and any issue that came up was dealt with in a timely manner.
Both Lynn and Gaby were more than helpful with every aspect of our stay, from where to shop, what to see and how to go about doing things and what to expect in Mexico.
We have no qualms whatsoever in recommending Yucatan Vacational Rentals to anyone for renting a vacation home on the beautiful Yucatan Gulf Coast. Lynn and Gaby are very professional, honest and passionate about their business and we wouldn't hesitate using their services again . We got to know Lynn and Gaby over the course of our stay and now consider them good friends !
Thanks again for all your help, the laughs and the get togethers. We will have fond memories of our winter in the Yucatan for years to come.
Henri and Karen Charpentier Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada***
***I was lucky to have found Yucatan Vacation
Home Rentals. They found me a perfect
home. They are professional and caring,
making it all painless. I will happily
use their services again.
Stever Keshner (Florida, USA)***
***Yucatan Vacation Home Rentals has looked
after my long term rental needs for the past two years and I am very pleased
with the services provided. Lynn and Gabriela are conscientious and
dedicated professionals who take pride in giving their clients reliable,
efficient, and friendly attention. I would recommend YVHR without
Robert Tompkins
Travel, Ink.
Ontario, Canada***
and Gabriela of Yucatan Vacation Home Rentals & Property Management
get top marks
from Ken & Suzanne, a Canadian couple who rented a house in Progreso,
Yucatan for three months.
They provided excellent service in a friendly and warm manner throughout our
vacation time. If there was a problem they were prompt to attend to it and always remedied the
These women are well experienced in the vacation rental business and share
their knowledge in a genuine and helpful way.
We were so impressed that we advised our friends to take advantage of their
to thank you for taking such good care of us on our stay. We appreciated your
prompt response on any issues we encountered, along with the shopping trips and
the evening at the English library. Thanks for the insight, suggestions, information
and introductions. We enjoyed both properties we stayed at, as well as our
experiences in Chicxulub and Merida. We would recommend your company and
services to any of our friends or acquaintances. Of course we will use your
company for our next visit to the Yucatan. Not often a business arrangement
turns out to be the beginning of a good friendship. (Couple from Winnipeg,
and her team were great. All emails were answered promptly before our stay.
From our arrival in Merida where Lynn met us, to our departure, we were
delighted with the friendly, affable and efficient service.
The lovely house we rented was on the best stretch of beach on this
coast (we walked 19 km of beach over the course of our stay). We will
definitely be in touch with Yucatan Home Rentals to arrange our next visit. (A couple from Montreal, Canada)***
*** It
has been a blast & I will heartily recommend you to anyone who asks (and
even those who don't!) So thanks for the fantastic house and I hope we will see
you next year! I thought you ladies were
the greatest, you were a joy to work with and made our first experience in
Paradise such a pleasure! I have nothing but praise for you! Did you tell her (the owner) how much we
loved the house? (Barb & Ken,
***YVHR property rental group went above and
beyond to ensure our stay in Progreso was great! Lynn met us on the hwy
at night (we were late) to ensure we could find our little casa as the streets
in Progreso are poorly marked. She drove us right to our home after a
tiring trip from Cancun where we had some unpleasant road conditions along the
Lynn and Gabriela had checked over the house
before our move-in day to ensure that things were in order. As the TV
didn't work they had already purchased a new one and programmed it for
us. I mentioned that we could use a clothes line and the next day it was
Lynn also drove around Progreso with us on our
first day in the community to show us where the grocery store, the ATM and good
places to eat were; you don't see other property managers go to this extreme in
ensuring their customers are happy!
I would highly recommend using YVHR
to anyone who is considering visiting the Yucatan.
(N and J Blackburn, Canada)***